Friday, April 29, 2016

It all appears at some point

The (usually) good thing about Al Gore's invention of the interwebz is that information you are looking for has a way of eventually ending up on a website.
Case in point; several years ago, I was curious about information regarding a record set of 78's that my parents had when I was a wee-lad.  For those of you under 25 years old, a record is like a big black CD with grooves in it.
It was the story of Willie the whale, the whale who wanted to sing at the Met.  Using different search engines and search terms yielded no results.  That was then.
This morning, for some unknown reason I tried again.  Voila!  Found it.  Some one put the recording on the tube of you and another website has the 14 minute movie Walt Disney made in 1946.
I share my discoverys below:

The animated movie .  I'm not tech savvy enough to get a non-youtube video embedded.


1 comment:

  1. I've got a big box of records out in my storage room, all dating from 1971-to 1975. Don't have anything to play them on, these days.
