Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Musings

As I sit here this morning, wife is getting her shower, kids are still asleep, I'm thinking about Christmas when I was young.
The youngest of six, I remember it seemed as though I was always the first one of my siblings awake.  Of course Mom was always already up, making final preparations and putting the last few gifts under the tree.  Next  one up was usually my brother, four years my senior.  Mom wouldn't allow us downstairs until she was ready.  So sitting on the top step we waited....
Once she gave the go ahead for us to come down, my brother and I would rush down and marvel at all the gifts under and around the tree.
Then more waiting....  We couldn't open anything until everyone was up.  The excitement of Christmas morning had pretty much subsided in my older brothers and sisters, now in their teens or home from college.
Looking back, it amazes me how Mom and Dad made Christmas something.  I didn't realize until I was a young adult how poor we were, but Mom always managed to make it special.

Christmas is still special, but now I have a little better grasp on what it is about.  Yes, even as a child I knew it was the celebration of Christ's birth.  But that is only part of the plan.  The completion comes with Easter, the remembrance of Christ's suffering, death and resurrection. 

Merry Christmas.

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