Sunday, November 23, 2014

As I view the daily headlines of anticipated "protests" of a decision from our judicial system in Missouri, I have to wonder how much outcry would there be if laws were proposed to spread across the board requirements for exercising one's rights.
I cannot take credit for the idea, as I read a similar proposal from another blog as a tongue-in-cheek news report.
But what if...  In order to open any social media account, stage a demonstration, or even put an ad in the local sale listings, one had to register for a 16 hr. civics class, wait 10 days before commencing and if it involves a real-time activity, such as a protest or demonstration, one would be limited to 7 minutes. Using Andrew Cuomo's logic, anything that one might want to express can be said in 7 minutes.  There is no need for 10 or more.

I won't say this could never happen and I hope it doesn't.  The Liberty Tree will have toppled to the ground from root rot if it does.  Remember, if you have to ask permission, then those making the laws don't consider it a right.  'Tis a sad and screwed up situation when exercising a right will turn you into a felon.  But such as it is in many states (and D.C.) in regards to the second amendment.

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