What if... Excuse me for a moment, I need to adjust the tin foil on my hat...
OK. I'm back. Now where was I?.. Oh yes. Consider if you will, the efforts and effects around the globe of the Wu Flu.
I don't have any set opinion on whether this virus started from some idiot eating something that should not have been eaten, or if it was unintentionally or deliberately released from some lab. There appears to be no shortage of circumstances, here-say and factual data to support both claims.
Regardless, it's here now. Now, imagine if you will, the situation being taken advantage of by certain political entities.
Most of our info, at least early on, came from the World Health Org. Notwithstanding the misinformation from China, I'm personally a wee bit skeptical of the info from WHO. WHO, as you likely already know, is part of the UN, of whom I completely distrust.
The UN, has had something for quite a few years called Agenda 21. It's likely the source for AOC's (or more likely her handlers) inspiration for the New Green Deal. Overall, it's bad news for U.S. sovereignty.
So, what if this situation is being taken advantage of by those wanting Agenda 21 to come to fruition?
Create a windstorm of panic and hysteria, beyond reasonable precautions, to bring down the world economy. Of course, our own left-leaning elites have been more that happy to jump on that bandwagon. Because orange man bad and nothing else has worked to boot him out of office.
What would be needed to bring the world back from global economic ruin?
I have my own beliefs based on biblical prophesy, that one day there will be a one world government (for 7 years) prior to Christ coming back to set things straight. Whether or not this is the catalyst, I do not know.
Regardless of whether or not my ramblings have any credence, we are in for some interesting times. One can only speculate where this will lead.
May you stay healthy, may you stay safe. Yeah, I know, where's the adventure in that?