Monday, January 30, 2017

Cry, cry, cry

It's almost becoming the norm now, to browse the news and see the whining ,the red herring and straw man arguments and outright fact misrepresentation or lies amped up to new levels. 

One of the latest cry-fests was the SAG awards the other night.  Glad I didn't watch it.  Not that I typically do, anyway.  Don't care to watch pompous egos patting themselves on the back. 
I don't suppose these social justice warriors would like to open their homes to those "unjustly discriminated" against, now would they?


  1. I'm trying to decide if it's possible to be dumber than the left is. Or more hypocritical.

  2. Good Johnny Cash song.

    I am revolted by all the weak sisters out there. Schumer nearly made me puke....
